Monday, February 13, 2012

Weekly Memo 2-13

I want to thank everyone for all your help with last week's Tu B'Shvat program and a special thank you to Daphna Maimon and to Moreh Shimshon. 

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday          February 14               grade 5 and 6 field trip
Tuesday          February 14               grade 5 meeting
Wednesday    February 15               grade 5 meeting, continued
Monday           February 20               President’s Day, no school
Tuesday          February 21               President’s Day programming, time tba
Tuesday          February 21               grade 6 meeting
Thursday        February 23               Rosh Chodesh Adar breakfast and dancing
Monday           February 27               Hearing screenings, in the library for grades 1-8
Tuesday          Feburary 28               grade 1 meeting
Wednesday    February 29               grade 1 meeting continued
Wednesday    February 29               Science fair (set up after davening)
Thursday        March 1                      Science fair, assembly in the afternoon (?)

New News:
1. Next newsletter for elementary Judaic  studies: (please remember that all newsletter articles need to be turned in by Wednesday at noon to Phylis Levine at

Chavi Katz Feb 22 

2. I would like to schedule a Faculty meeting for Wed Feb 22 from 4:15-5. We need to  have regular faculty meetings again. I think they are important. 

3. Lunchroom decorum: We can start a positive reinforcement system with tickets and containers for each class that we could keep in the closet where Sruli’s table is kept. During the entire lunch time and benching, teachers can give kids tickets for proper behavior. At the end of lunch, the students put the tickets into the appropriate container on the way out to recess. When a container is full, the students will get a treat (ice cream party? Popcorn party? Extra recess?). It might take longer for the 4th, 5th and 6th graders to fill their containers because they are smaller (although perhaps b/c for the most part they’re better behaved, they might finish sooner). I would like to hear back from you in the next day or two so we can start on Wednesday. 

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